Raonador del Ciutadà – Ombudsman
Do you have a complaint or claim against an institution or body of Andorra?
The Ombudsman was set up in Andorra on 4 June 1998. The Andorran Parliament passed the Law on the creation and functioning of the Ombudsman in order to legitimise an Institution that would ensure the efficiency of the administration, safeguarding the constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens and complementing the judicial supervision of the administrative activity.
With the reform of the law in October 2017 new functions are included.
By this text, the Institution is also given the task of protecting the Convention on the rights of people with functional disability as well as informing and giving assistance to the victims of racism or discrimination. It also broadens the competence of the Institution to include private matters regarding children, people with functional disability and the struggle against discrimination.
Thus, it provides a response to the Convention on the rights of people with disabilities adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 December 2006 which was signed by Andorra in 2007 and ratified by the Andorran Parliament in 2014.
This Convention provides that it is essential to design an independent mechanism to promote, protect and supervise the application of these rights. Therefore, it was considered appropriate to choose the Ombudsman Institution not only because of its independent nature, but also because of the fact that it interacts closely with citizens and it is easily accessible for people with functional disabilities.
This way, once this bill was passed, the Institution was assigned the task of informing, assisting and advising people with functional disability about their rights and ensure the fulfilment of these rights.
Furthermore, the Ombudsman Institution broadens its competence receiving and dealing with complaints and claims concerning relations between citizens and private individuals or entities, as well as public administrations and other public entities and organisms. This applies to the proper performance of the functions relating the fight against racism, intolerance and discrimination, as well as those relating the defence and protection of the rights of children and people with functional diversity.