Ombudsman in English-speaking countries, Defensor del Pueblo in Spanish-speaking countries, Défenseur des Droits in France, Síndic de Greuges in Catalonia and Raonador del Ciutadà in Andorra. Different names but the same mission: to protect and defend human rights and freedoms in case of vulnerability in relation to administrative procedures.
The figure of the Ombudsman was born in Sweden in 1809 and spread over most democratic states during the second half of the 20th century.
In the past, there were two Ombudsmen in Andorra – they were two representatives elected by the Consell General (Parliament) to be part of the Tribunal de Corts or Criminal Court (the highest judicial body in the pre-constitutional period). In Andorra, the Ombudsman is called Raonador del Ciutadà (Reasoner of the citizen), a name inspired by these two representatives -who were responsible to safeguard native custom and act on behalf of the accused- before the Veguers (representatives of the Co-princes) and Magistrate passed judgement.
The Ombudsman was set up in Andorra on 4 June 1998. The Andorran Parliament passed the law on the creation and functioning of the Ombudsman in order to legitimise an Institution that would ensure the efficiency of the administration, safeguarding the constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens and complementing the judicial supervision of the administrative activity.
Since the creation on the Institution, there have been four different Ombudsmen in Andorra. The Ombudsman is elected by the Parliament and exercises his position for a six-year non-renewable term.
Mr. Ricard Fiter Vilajoana (1998-2004)
Mr. Pere Canturri Montanya (2004-2011)
Mr. Josep Rodríguez Gutiérrez (2011-2017)
Mr. Marc Vila Amigó (December 2017- 2024)
At present, the main goal of the Institution is to protect the rights and freedoms of the citizens in relation to administrative procedures and defend them in case of vulnerability.